
Writing telugu(transliteration) using ibus in ubuntu 12.10

Ubuntu 12.10 uses ibus by default and scim is having some problems for telugu-rts(phonetic,transliteration typing). Other Indic scripts(Hindi, Tamil etc.) might have the same problem. For idiosyncrasies of working with indic transliteration, see this  explanation . The following procedure works for telugu-rts. $ sudo apt-get install ibus-m17n m17n-contrib $ im-switch Select ibus in the available input methods. Logout and login. ibus daemon should to be started(ps xa | grep ibus). $ ibus-setup In "Input Method" tab,  tick "Customize active input methods" In "Select an input method" drop-down, select Telegu -> rts(m17n) In some app(gedit etc. ), press ctrl+space(to select ibus) and start typing... పండగ చేశుకో మరి paMDaga chESukO mari

tixati: what uTorrent should have been

tixati is a cross platform (Linux, windows) torrent client with some good features. I am especially impressed with it's automatic bandwidth limiter (uTP). Also allows you to categorize torrents and manage transfers efficiently. It also provides deb packages and standalone executables and can run in portable mode. It lacks few features like remote control API and WebUI. But these things are in development queue. It looks promising and could become de facto BitTorrent client. Download tixati from following link.

apt-fast: Speedup ubuntu package downloads

apt-fast is a tool that allows you to download multiple packages at the same time. This speeds up installing/upgrading the packages. Execute following commands to add apt-fast ppa repository and install dependencies. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install apt-fast axel aria2 During installation choose either axel/aria2 for download manager and accept remaining defaults. From now on use apt-fast in place of apt-get in package management commands. 

Kernel with 200 line patch to improve responsiveness

Use following command to get new kernel version 2.6.37-8 with autogroup scheduler enabled. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.37-8 linux-headers-2.6.37-8-generic linux-image-2.6.37-8-generic Source

Repo for installing latest version of nvidia drivers

Execute following commands to get latest version of nvidia drivers and have them automatically updaed. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nvidia-current

Install Firefox 4 beta

Execute following commands to install firefox 4 beta. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install firefox-4.0 New features offered by Firefox 4 New Tab Location - Tabs are given top visual priority for more efficient and intuitive browsing. Switch to Tab - Navigate more easily by switching to open tabs from your Awesome Bar. Firefox Button - All your menu items are in a single button for easy access and reduced clutter. Apps Tab - Take sites you always keep open—like Web mail--off your tab bar and give them a permanent home in your browser.