Things to Avoid on Ubuntu


This is Linux port of Microsoft sliverlight apparently designed to compete with adobe flash. Silver light doesn't offer anything new that's not already offered by adobe flash.

Linux distros previously included some of the technologies that were controversial because they were widespread and to make interoperability easy for new users. We don't need this turd and it's not widespread.


Here comes another patent covered piece of junk aggressively pushed by Novell. Apparently some parts of win forms are covered by patents and could give ground for Microsoft to spread their FUD further.

Some of the applications using Mono.

  • F-Spot - An excellent photo management application written using propaganda software.
  • Beagle - A desktop file search tool.
  • Tomboy - A gnome note taking application.
  • And many more...

If you want to see Linux survive and not polluted by Microsoft's litter either use pure OSS counterparts of these software or prefer applications with GPL 3 compatible license.


Anonymous said…
It is sad to see Ubuntu including that stuff into their distribution. Mayhaps you could write a HowTo to purge all that mono stuff without breaking dependencies?

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