TimeVault - Backup your files

timevault is a file backup and snapshot solution for ubuntu linux TimeVault is a little python application that runs on Linux. timevault is mainly used to create snapshots of the files on your system, here a snapshot is close to restore point on windows xp. And only super user can delete these incremental snapshots to conserve space on disk.

The beauty of this system is timevault uses links to take backup of these files and linux filesystem won't delete these files until link count reaches to zero. SQLite is used to store meta information of snapshot.

This application nicely integrates with nautilus so that you can see snapshot properties from within nautilus. Color coding is used to easily understand snapshot status. TimeVault uses filesystem watches for changes so when ever you change or delete files they will be automatically backed up. You can download timevault deb binaries from launchpad.

Download timevault binaries.


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